Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sneak Peek - LUFP

We CAN beat this!!!!

We can spread awareness, we can urge our mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, friends to get their mammograms, we can help raise money for cancer research and to help those fighting the disease!!

Yes, together We Can Beat This!!!!

I have a little sneak peek of a card I made for Link Up For Pink!

I hope you'll stop by the blog and check it out.

Ladies - Don't forget your mammograms!!! Take care of your girls!


  1. Even though this is just a "peek" it is evident that it will be colorful and well done.

  2. Terrific! I like the strip of stripes behind the girls. It adds just the right pop of color the card needs! :)

  3. Awesome sneak, Esther!! Have a great evening :)

    Hugs, Lisa
    A Mermaid's Crafts
