Saturday, May 28, 2011

Off In Monterey

Hi all my bloggy friends!

I just wanted to let you all know that I am on vacation in Monterey with my family enjoying a week of R & R.  We are having a mini family reunion here, my brother and his kids, my sister and her kids, my Mom and Dad and my children and grandchildren. We had a gorgeous day today!!! My grandkids first experience at the beach.

Jeff having fun in the surf!

Michelle's not sure about the water.

Two of my nieces, my daughter and I enjoying having our toes in the sand!

Our first full day here was gorgeous! Couldn't have had a better day! Looking forward to more adventures tommorrow!

Anyhow I won't be posting any projects for the next week:( but luckily I have enough distractions that I shouldn't go into craft withdrawals.


  1. That is exactly what I have been doing, just didn't have as nice of weather as it looks like you had :) Have a fabulous time!

  2. Oh my gosh it looks like so much fun. Enjoy your self and we will see you when you get back. Victoria :)
