Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blog Awards

I have two friends to thank for two different blog awards!

First I'd like to thank Paper Panther and Rayna at Purple Peeps Techniques for awarding me the Versatile Blogger award. This is the second time I've been honored with this award. As I just awarded this to 15 people a couple weeks ago, I hope they will forgive me if I just say thank you this time!

Second I'd like to thank Victoria at Victoria's Junk for the Best Friend Blogger award.

Here are the rules of this award:
1.  Post about it on your blog with a link to the sender.
2.  Pass it on to those who visit your blog and leave comments regularly.

There are two people in particular I wish I could give this award to, but they don't have blogs.
They are my Mom and my sister Cathy because they come and comment on every single one of my posts!

I could name so many people I appreciate, who comment on my blog but I think I will limit it to 5.
Here they are and I want to sincerely thank them for their encouragement:

2. Norma at Pink Bling Crafter
3. Judy at Crafty Jar
4. Liz at Which Craft
5. Terri at My Need 2 Craft

Thank you everyone!


  1. Thanks Esther. I will do my passing it on over the weekend, (I hope) Got a few more busy days ahead of me. Next week for sure. :)

  2. Hi Esther, Thank you so much!! So sorry I didn't get to it sooner. I've been a busy bee these days. Congrats on your award and thank you again for passing it on to me.
